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  • Writer's pictureHeather Moll

5 Fun Facts About Me

Hello Readers! It's been a while since I've introduced myself and there are some new followers here. I'm Heather Moll and I write romantic variations of Jane Austen's classic novels. I'm known for historical details, unique plots, and characters true to the beloved originals.

Time for some ice breakers! Let me tell you some fun facts about me:

  1. I met my husband on Match when it was a website, not an app, and I didn't even have to pay. A friend convinced me to sign up so I agreed to do a free 3-day trial to check it out. I saw my husband, and he saw me and winked at me. We exchanged a few messages, swapped emails and phone numbers, and arranged to meet for a date all within my free trial. After we met, I deleted my free account and we were engaged four months later!

  2. My beloved childhood toy was a rag doll that I brilliantly named Dolly. Dolly is essentially a face and a body, but both are indeterminable now. Her dress and hat and face are long worn away, but I kept Dolly all these years. She even went to college with me. Now she lives in a dresser drawer, but I could never get rid of her!

  3. My first concert was Aerosmith when I was 12. Not that I'm old enough to have seen them in their heyday. I've just always loved classic rock. I've also seen The Rolling Stones, Metallica, AC/DC, KISS, Def Leppard, and Pearl Jam, just to name a few. I've seen plenty of 90s pop and alternative bands, but I do love me some aging rock stars.

  4. I'm an ISTJ in the Myers-Briggs personality types. I'm a planner, realistic and responsible, and prefer spending time alone or with a few close friends. I'm direct, loyal, stubborn, and judgmental. I focus on facts and details rather than ideas and concepts, and I express myself through actions rather than words.

  5. I am always early. If I'm on time, I feel late. If we have a Zoom call, I was ready 5 minutes before I clicked to join. If we're meeting at a coffee shop, I'm sitting there ten minutes before you get there. If I'm late, something has gone horribly wrong.

Drop a comment and tell me something about you! What as your first concert or how did you meet your spouse? Are you always late or always on time?

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Sep 26, 2023

I enjoyed your facts! This fun. I met and married my husband at a young age and am now celebrating my 30th anniversary. I have 2 kids that are about 9 years apart in age.

I am fairly organized, I love lists and compiling data, such as creating playlists, photo albums, and the like. I love research on nearly any subject.

You need a good doctor? The best ice cream in town? Need help planning a vacation? I'll be happy to research that for you.

I can be creative, but rarely finish creative endeavors. I have a pillow in my craft room that says "I never finish anythi-" which pretty much sums it up.

I read a lot and love…

Heather Moll
Heather Moll
Sep 26, 2023
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Another fellow research rabbit hole friend! But you cannot be married for 30 years. You must have married at 15 and it worked out charmingly. Congrats on 30 years!


Sep 17, 2023

So fun! I met my husband online too. We both joined because we were both too cheap to pay for an online dating site. I winked first, he wrote back. We exchanged emails for a month before going on our first in- person date. We were married 18 months later, and are about to celebrate 11 years of marriage!

Heather Moll
Heather Moll
Sep 17, 2023
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Another cheap girlie who landed a husband for free online! 🙌 Mrs Bennet would be thrilled for us lol


Sep 17, 2023

Being quite old my first concert was Bob Seger and the Silver Bulet band in 1972. My childhood doll was named Larceeny. My dad named her and I only realized as an adult that it was a humorous pronunciation of larceny. On Myers-Briggs I am INFP which means I am a bit of a mess. As for punctuality I am like you. If I’m not early then I am late a trait I have passed to my son. My best friend is habitually late to my frequent consternation. We have been besties for about 52 years. I met my husband at a bar. He captured me with his sense of humor and we still laugh together almost every day …

Heather Moll
Heather Moll
Sep 17, 2023
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I got a kick out of your doll's name and your dad's sense of humor. You are one of the few people I know who actually found a wonderful guy at a bar. I never had that sort of luck and had to order mine online!


Ann Crowley
Ann Crowley
Sep 04, 2023

God I am really old. Not sure what my first concert was, but in my youth I saw Jimi Hendrix, the Doors, Frank Zappa, Country Joe and the Fish and John Sebastian.

Heather Moll
Heather Moll
Sep 04, 2023
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That's amazing. I'd love to have seen Jimi Hendrix or the Doors!!


Sep 03, 2023

My parents met at a concert. When I was little, they would take us to music festivals. But my first big arena concert was in high school. An all-day event at the now gone JFK Stadium in Philly. JFK JAM in '83 with The Police headlining, and openers Joan Jett, REM, and Madness. Yeah, I'm that old.

Heather Moll
Heather Moll
Sep 04, 2023
Replying to

That's so cool they met at a show! Concerts are in your blood. I used to go to shows with my family all the time.

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